Komunikat – Telekonferencja FEI z dnia 29.04.2020

Drodzy Rajdowcy,
Komisja SRK udostępnia w oryginalnej wersji decyzje i uchwały zebrania Zarządu FEI z dnia 29.04.2020 dotyczące istotnych spraw rajdowych. Pragnę poinformować, że Komisja SRK wraz z Dyrektorem Sportowym PZJ jako Polska Federacja wysłała sugestie i uwagi do Zarządu FEI, niektóre z nich zostały uwzględnione w postanowieniach FEI.
Prosimy o zapoznanie się, w razie pytań jesteśmy do dyspozycji. 


The Board approved the following recommendations of the Endurance Calendar Task Force from its meeting on 29 April:

*Deadline by which NFs/OCs should provide their dates for postponed Events

Until 31 December 2020:
· Applications and/or modifications for dates for all CEIs must reach the Secretary General at least four weeks prior to the Event.
· All requests for date changes must be submitted to the FEI through the National Federations (including the Draft Schedule at the time of submission).

Article 112.4 of the General Regulations (and any relevant Article of Endurance Rules) to be interpreted accordingly.

*Redefining “Higher Level Events” for the purposes of the Calendar

Until 31 December 2020:
· Date Clash Rule is suspended for CEIs, with the exception of those Events serving as Test Events for future FEI Championships which will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Article 112.7 of the General Regulations (and any relevant Article of Endurance Rules) to be interpreted accordingly.


*Extending the validity of star level qualifications period
A “freeze” of the qualification of horses for an initial six-month period, meaning that the validity of star level qualification is 24 months plus six months = 30 months. This will be reviewed in three months’ time.

*Extending Novice qualification period
A “freeze” of the Novice qualification for an initial six-month period, meaning that the maximum validity of Novice qualification is 24 months plus six months = 30 months. This will be reviewed in three months’ time.

Application of the Endurance Rules, 10th Edition (“Transitional Rulebook”)
The Board approved the recommendation of the Endurance Temporary Committee not to extend the application of the Endurance Rules 10th Edition and to go ahead with the implementation of the new Endurance Rules on 1 July 2020, as approved by the General Assembly 2019.

Championships 2020: Qualifications, Preparation, Participation
Organisers of Endurance Championships must inform the FEI three months in advance of the original date, at the very latest, if the Championship can go ahead as scheduled or not, in order for athletes and horses to prepare/train appropriately and obtain the necessary qualification to participate in a Championship. Other Endurance Championships related questions will be discussed at the Board Teleconference in June 2020.

The provision in the FEI Endurance Rules that take effect on 1 July 2020 (Annex 6) whereby FEI Headquarters would appoint Officials for certain star levels and Championships could be derogated from upon request, with any request to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis